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Google Hangout




Price: Free
Subjects: All
Grade levels: All
FeaturesVideo chat upto 10 people, Screen & document sharing, Live broadcasting, Video recording

Description: Google Hangout provides free video conferencing and screen sharing up to 10 people. Collaborators can work on Google Docs while chatting face to face. You can stream YouTube videos to a group of people on your Google+ or to the public and see how many viewers are watching live. You can record, edit, and share your Google Hangout; this makes it perfect for your online classes.

Mobile App Available

Video conferencing and screen sharing tools introduced here are only ones of high quality, easy usability, and no cost -- to be most beneficial to our survey participants and other learner-centered educators. The descriptions of the tools are current as of December 10, 2012.

Collaboration Tools > Video Conferencing & Screen Sharing





Price: Free*

Grade levels: All
FeaturesVideo chat upto 5 people, Conference call up to 150 people, Screen & document sharing, White boarding & drawing, Live broadcasting

Embedded comments

Description: Vyew provides video conferencing, screen sharing, whiteboarding, drawing conference calls up to 10 people for free.

* Additinal features are available for monthly fees. See here: 




Grade levels: All
Features: Host virtual meetings, Shared calendar, Shared to-do lists

Poll your group in real time, Send email, text, & voice messages
Upload and manage files in a shared folder

Description: Wiggio provides various services for virtual groups. You can host virtual meetings and conference calls, manage events with a shared calendar, create to-do lists and assign tasks, poll your group in real time, send email, text, and voice messages, and upload and manage files in a shared folder.

Mobile App Available


Please leave any suggestions on the existing tools and other resources or anything you want to share.

​Please note that advertisements below are not related to our research group.




Grade levels: All
FeaturesVideo chat up to 5 people, No software or sign-ups required

Screen sharing, Watch videos together, Live group chat, Personal notepad, Meeting organizer

Description: provides an effortless way to host a virtual meeting up to 5 people. No software or sign-ups are required to host a meeting. You can share your desktop, watch YouTube and other videos together, group chat live, take a note on your personal notepad, manage and organize your meetings in your meeting inbox. You can sync with Gmail, Outlook and iCal (Sign-up required for a meeting inbox).

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