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In this page, useful funding resources and information are provided for survey participants (both teachers and schools). Available funding sources range from private organizations to state and federal funding. The resources that you can find in this page include:

     1. Funding Database

     2. Funding Organization

     3. Tips and Resources

Funding Resources

  •  Funding Database​

​In the first spreadsheet, you can find information about databases where you can search and sort different funding opportunities using various categories such as state, keyword, subject area and so on. In the description column, you can find information about different categories you can choose for searching and sorting funding opportunities.​ You can view the scrolling spreadsheet embedded below.

     - To view the entire spreadsheet online, click HERE

     - To download the entire spreadsheet, click HERE

(*In order to download, click "File" and "Download as" then choose the file format. Once you download the spreadsheet, you can use sorting and filtering functions.)

  •  Funding Organization

​In the second spreadsheet, you can find information about various funding organizations / agencies who provide different funding opportunities for K-12 educators and organizations. (Description of each tap). You can view the scrolling spreadsheet embedded below.

     - To view the entire spreadsheet online, click HERE

     - To download the entire spreadsheet, click HERE

(*In order to download, click "File" and "Download as" then choose the file format. Once you download the spreadsheet, you can use sorting and filtering functions.)

  •  Tips and Resources

​In the following sites, you can find useful tips and resources for applying for funding or grants such as writing tips and latest news.

This web page shows the latest news about grants and funding opportunities.

This web page has useful tips for grant writing.

This web page shares success stories from the past grantees.


Please leave any suggestions or anything you want to share.

​Please note that advertisements below are not related to our research group.

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